A Sample Inquiry Workflow Example

Description of current process (in English)

For every prospective patient that calls in, we create a new patient in patientNOW. If the patient does not schedule an appointment, we send them an email. This email doesn’t have a firm template, we just let the staff write a thank you. If they still have not called back in the next week or so, somebody will give them a call to see if they have any questions and see what they might be interested in.

After that, we might send them emails if we are running a special, but there is no firm time frame. We would also like to incorporate texting somehow.

Description of New process (in English)

For every prospective patient that calls in, create a new patient in patientNOW. If the patient does not schedule an appointment, immediately and automatically send them an email credentialing the practice and providers.

If they have not scheduled the next day, automatically send them a thank you text.

If they have not scheduled 3 days after that, prompt the patient coordinator to call the patient, answer any questions, and assess their interest. This call will be documented in the Notes section of the Treatment Pathway screen.

If they have not scheduled 10 days later, send an automatic email with current specials.

If they have not scheduled 10 days later, prompt the patient coordinator to manually send a personalized email with a coupon.

Important Information


Patient to schedule consult


Phone call in to practice

End Point

Patient Schedules consult appointment OR becomes inactive.

Workflow Diagram